A New HOPE (2022): "Hacker Representation Through the Years: A Guided Tour of Hacker Appearances in TV and Cinema" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): AUDIO ONLY (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Five Dollar Cyber Weapons and How to Use Them" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Electronic Warfare on a Budget of $15 or Less" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Don't Get Tangled up in Your Cape: Hero Culture as a Negative Force in Cyber Security" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Secure Cell Phone Communication: Mission Accomplished or Popular Delusion?" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Can You Travel Without Physically Moving? From "Online Lodging" to "Virtual Travel Package"" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Defensive Computing" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Open Source RF Experimentation" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Hack Cancer: How Hackers Can Help Save 9.5 Million Lives Every Year" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Practical Steps to Improve Privacy" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Social Steganography: Sending Messages in the Clear for Fun and Nonprofit (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cleartext)" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Leaks and Hacks: Four Years of DDoSecrets" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "A New HOPE Keynote and Q&A with Sophie Zhang" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Biological Time Hacking" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Beyond the Digital Nomad: Finding Refuge and Building a Life" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Creating a General Purpose Network Through Wireless Mesh" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Demoscene 2022: Electric Boogaloo" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "Breaking 19th Century Encrypted Newspaper Ads With Modern Means" (Download)
A New HOPE (2022): "From Mind Control to Mind Expansion: Hacking Technology to Rebuild Our World" (Download)