The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Phone System Is Dead - Long Live The Phone System!" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Problem With The Hacker Mystique" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Right to Repair Panel" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Sex Geek Returns: Hacking Plus Human Sexuality AMA" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker: Documenting Attacks on the Press in the Age of Trump" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Tor: The Dark Arts of Attack and Defense" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Torrent More Pharmaceutical Drugs: File Sharing Still Saves Lives" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Tracing Invisible Neighborhoods: The Brooklyn Pirate Radio Sound Map" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Trolling the Trolls and the Trolls That Troll Them" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Trolling, Free Speech, and the Hacking of Our Media/Attention Landscape" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "U.S. and E.U. Legal Updates: Privacy, Security, and Liability" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Updates on I-Star Organizations from the Bullshit Police" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "We Must Legislate to Block Collection of Personal Data" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "What Should Go into a dotMOBI Website?" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Why Trade Secret Law Can’t Stop Hackers" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Your Blockchain Sucks" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Your IoT Roommate and You - Living with the Enemy" (Download)
The Eleventh HOPE (2016): "2016 Car Hacking Tools" (Download)
The Eleventh HOPE (2016): "A Penetration Tester's Guide to the Azure Cloud" (Download)
The Eleventh HOPE (2016): "Accessibility: A Creative Challenge to Living without Sight" (Download)