HOPE 2020 (2020): "Source Code to the Human Mind - The Science Behind Social Engineering" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Introducing *DAS: A Framework for Certifying Hacker Knowledge" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Introduction to Locksmithing" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Fakes Aren't Funny - or Are They?" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "QubesOS for Organizational Security Auditing" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Keynote: Tiffany Rad" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Irregulators v FCC: The Trillion Dollar Broadband and Accounting Scandal" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Trust, but Verify: Maintaining Democracy In Spite of Информационные контрмеры" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Twenty Years of Scary Technology: City Tech's 'Gravesend Inn'" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "The Pocket Organ: An Open Source Musical Instrument" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Hackers in a Post Roe v. Wade World" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "How Asian Makers Unite During COVID-19 (Practices From Japan, Malaysia, and China)" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Bildschirmtext" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Brain Backups: What's My Brain Got to Do With Me?" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Inside Job: Exploiting Alarm Systems and the People Who Monitor Them" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "We Need to Talk About Amazon: An Introduction to Capitalism" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Keynote: Idalin Bobé" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Saving Hacking From the Zaibatsus: A Memoir" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Ring's Wrongs: Surveillance Capitalism, Law Enforcement Contracts, and User Tracking" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Makerspaces Hacking the Space Industry by Enabling Effective Cross-Industry Collaboration and Enhancing the Space Workforce Development" (Download)