HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Nymwars: Fighting for Anonymity and Pseudonymity on the Internet" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Occupy the Airwaves: Tools to Empower Community Radio Stations" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Old School Phreaking" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "The Open Secure Telephony Network" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "The Original WWII Hackers" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Patents: How to Get Them and How to Beat Them" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Phone Phreak Confidential: The Backstory of the History of Phone Phreaking" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Practical Insecurity in Encrypted Radio" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Printable Electronics and the Future of Open Hardware" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Privacy - A Postmortem (or Cell Phones, GPS, Drones, Persistent Dataveillance, Big Data, Smart Cameras and Facial Recognition, The Internet of Things, and Government Data Centers Vacuuming Google and Facebook, Oh My!)" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Privacy by Design - a Dream for a Telecommunications Provider That Uses Strong Cryptography to Ensure Your Privacy" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Privacy Tricks for Activist Web Developers" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Project Byzantium: An Ad-Hoc Wireless Mesh Network for the Zombie Apocalypse" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Protecting Your Data from the Cops" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Pwn the Drones: A Survey of UAV Hacks and Exploits" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Real Advances in Android Malware" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Recent Advances in Single Packet Authorization" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Re-wired: Hacking the Auditory Experience" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "SCADA/PLC Exploitation and Disclosure" (Download)
HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Sierra Zulu. Or How to Create a Feature Film About the Digital Age - and Why That's Pretty Hard" (Download)