HOPE XV (2024): "Outline Toolkit: VPNs, Serverless Strategies, and Beyond - Build Your Own Defense Against Online Censorship" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Past, Present, Predictions - A Look Into AI, Deep Fakes, Social Media PsyOps, and Their Effect on the Upcoming Election Cycle" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Popping S(h)ells - Hunting for Vulns in the Stock Market" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "PortableSecret - Carry and Share Your Most Critical Secrets Without Special Software" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Privacy-Focused Computing Curriculum for Teens" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Protecting jetBlue Airways From Cyber Threats in the "Clouds" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Protecting the Network Traffic of One Billion People: Reverse-Engineering Chinese Cryptography" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Psychoactive Drugs: How They Hack the Brain and What It Means for Our Minds" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Pwn Chromebook With Linux" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Ransomware Gone Kinetic" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Right to Repair in California (SB 244) - Using New Legislation for DIY Wheelchair Repair" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Robot Invasion! The Rise of Educational Robotics" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Safeguarding Secrets: Homomorphic Encryption for the Curious Mind" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Social Justice and Prompt Engineering: What We Know So Far" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Star Monitor: Updates on Standards and Internet Governance" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Strength in Unity: Sharing Is Caring" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Strengthening Security Culture Through Compassion and Understanding" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Survey and Scrutiny of Election Security" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Tales From the Crypt... Analyst: The Afterlife" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Teaching With Microcontrollers: Hope for Ethical Hacking Education on a Budget" (Download)