The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Sensors Everywhere! What’s Available, How They Work, and How You Can Use Them" (Download)
Sunday, July 22, 2018: 6:00 pm (Vaughan): From the IR sensor in the bathroom to the face detector in your phone, sensors are everywhere. Jonathan will give a guided introduction to the vast zoo of electronic sensors available. From commonplace accelerometers to sensitive pulse oxygen meters, come learn about a wide variety of sensors, how they work, and how you can use (or hack) them. He will cover sensors from the commonplace to the exotic: optical sensors including affordable lidar, UV, and passive IR; magnetic and inductive sensors; MEMS pressure gauges and microphones; position and location detection; force, flex and strain gauges; temperature sensors and thermistors; and a variety of health and biosensors. Though this talk is at the level an electronics hobbyist will enjoy, even experts will likely find something they haven’t seen before.