H2K (2000): "Mock Trial - The MPAA vs. 2600" (Download)
Saturday, July 15, 2000: 8:30 pm (Main Stage): When we first scheduled this, our REAL trial wasn't supposed to happen until December. Then things changed and the trial was moved to the DAY AFTER H2K! Well, how could we resist? What better way to go into court Monday morning than to remember what the verdict of our TRUE peers had been mere hours earlier? The fun starts with a two hour courtroom drama in which both sides will be presented as factually as can be managed. "Lawyers" for each side will be selected as will a judge - people with actual legal background and knowledge. Expert witnesses will also be called to the stand and a jury will be selected who will render a verdict. Probably a lot more exciting and jovial than the real trial. Participants include: Adam Cohen, Emmanuel Goldstein, Jon Johansen, Glenn Kurtzrock, Bernie S., Shana Skaletsky, Scott Skinner, and Alexander Urbelis.