HOPE X (2014): "Per Speculum In Ænigmate" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2014: 5:00 pm (Olson): In the fall of 2013, artist Maximus Clarke was inspired by news of government and corporate surveillance to create an art project about privacy that could also function as a secure messaging system. The result is "Per Speculum in Ænigmate" - Latin for "through a glass darkly" - combining stereo imagery and PGP encryption. Each project image is an anaglyph 3D photo of a nude model, obscured by pixelation and overlaid with an encrypted message sent by one of the project participants. Message recipients are able to download images from the project site (http://psiae.tumblr.com) and decrypt the embedded texts, without the artist ever reading them. This presentation will showcase the project images in glorious old-school red/blue 3D (glasses will be provided), and discuss the concepts, technologies, and processes involved in their creation.
Maximus Clarke
Maximus Clarke