HOPE X (2014): "Bless the Cops and Keep Them Far from Us: Researching, Exploring, and Publishing Findings While Staying out of Legal Trouble" (Download)
Saturday, July 19, 2014: 10:00 am (Manning): We all like to tinker and explore. Hacking, exploring, and publishing findings is important to our community as well as the world at large. Unfortunately, law enforcement and the operators of the systems you investigate may disagree and use the legal system to threaten or silence you. How can hackers, pen testers, and security researchers all protect themselves? Can you reverse engineer a device you just purchased? Can you investigate a security hole in another's web server? What can you tell others about your findings? This talk will consider how current U.S. laws affect one's ability to explore systems, collaborate, and publish findings. Q&A will follow.
Alexander Muentz
Alexander Muentz