HOPE X (2014): "Building an Open Source Cellular Network at Burning Man" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2014: 7:00 pm (Manning): There is literally nowhere else on earth where you can run an experimental mobile phone network with a potential 50,000 users and get away with it (legally). Nowhere else can you learn so much in as short a timeframe about people's relationships with their mobile phones or what makes a mobile network tick. Since 2006, the folks behind OpenBTS have been running the Papa Legba camp at Burning Man, providing fully licensed independent (free) GSM cellular service in the most unlikely of places. Johnny Diggz and Willow Brugh will go through the hardware and software tools they deployed in 2013, along with a discussion of lessons learned and future plans.
Johnny Diggz, Willow Brugh
Johnny Diggz, Willow Brugh