H2K2 (2002): "Fun With Pirate Radio and Shortwave" (Download)
Sunday, July 14, 2002: 10:00 am (Area "B"): Too few people take the time to appreciate shortwave radio. Even fewer have the opportunity to appreciate pirate radio. Here's your chance to learn more about these fascinating subjects. Allan Weiner will talk about his days operating Radio New York International, a famous pirate station from the 80's that served the New York area before it was raided by federal authorities in international waters. (We have no idea how the feds got away with that.) Today Weiner operates shortwave station WBCQ - along with chief engineer Timtron - which serves nearly the entire western hemisphere from studios in Maine. Craig Harkins joins the panel to talk of his experiences operating Anteater Radio during much of the 90's from an 18-wheeler truck. He received international acclaim from listeners while consistently evading American and Canadian radio police.
Hosted by Craig Harkins, Allan Weiner and Tim Smith
Hosted by Craig Harkins, Allan Weiner and Tim Smith