The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Free Geek Panel - Reusing and Recycling Old Computers For Fun and Nonprofit" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Sex Geek Returns: Hacking Plus Human Sexuality AMA" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Hacking Extradition: Fighting the Long Arm of U.S. Law" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Free Expression, Privacy, and the Role of Tech Companies: Where Do We Go From Here?" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Networked Authoritarianism" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Hackers and Shamans - Travelers of the Black Box" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Four Arguments on Why State Hacking is Bad" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Mad (Data) Science - Teaching AI to Pop Boxes" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "What Should Go into a dotMOBI Website?" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "ENIAC: The Hack That Started It All" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Hacking Healthcare: Bringing a Hacker Mindset to Solving Healthcare’s Biggest Problems" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Sex Worker Rights and Internet Freedom" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Homebrew 68K Retrocomputing on Low Cost FPGA Boards" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Hype is Over, So What is Desktop 3D Printing Really About?" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Why Trade Secret Law Can’t Stop Hackers" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "I Dream of Game Genies and ZIP Files - Hacking the NES" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Inspiring the Next Next Generation of Hackers" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Lessons from an Undergraduate Course in Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare - Is Our Children Securing?" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "NotPetya: Ransomware vs. Cyber Action" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Surveillance Psychiatry and the Mad Underground" (Download)