The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Hype is Over, So What is Desktop 3D Printing Really About?" (Download)
Friday, July 20, 2018: 5:00 pm (Ritchie): While the world was falling in love with desktop 3D printers as a potential disruption to how consumer products might be created and manufactured (in the home), a parallel transformation was taking place that shows no sign of stopping. It is time to cut through the bullshit and examine the revolution that actually took place! Experience case studies and research that speaks practically to how manufacturing, medicine, design, and enterprise use of the technology is accelerating the evolution of product and hardware design, transforming how we manufacture and package products, and how HOPE audiences can leverage pipelines and strategies they have mastered for other purposes (web, IT, security) to move forward their design and hardware. Welcome to the "data center moment" for fabrication technology!