HOPE Number Six (2006): "Network Monitoring and the Law" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "The New Engineers of Graffiti" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Password Cracking and Time-Memory Tradeoff" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Phone Phreaking 101" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Privacy Is Dead - Get Over It (belated version)" (1 of 3) (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Privacy Is Dead - Get Over It (belated version)" (2 of 3) (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Privacy Is Dead - Get Over It (belated version)" (3 of 3) (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Privacy is Dead - Get Over It (conference version)" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Privacy through Technology: A Hands-On" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Proactively Secure Programming Techniques" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Project MF" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Pseudonymous Software Development and Strong Distribution" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Radio Communications for Hackers, Amateurs, and Activists" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Retrocomputing" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "RFID Privacy - Old Threats and New Attacks" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Selfness-Copyfight: From Censorship to New Business Models" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Social Engineering" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "TrackSploits" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Under The Desk at MIT" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Underground Documentaries: The Art of the Interview and the Access" (Download)