HOPE Number Six (2006): "Urban Exploring: Hacking the Physical World" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Virtual Private Servers and the (Free) Open Source PBX" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "VoIP Unlocking" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Vulnerabilities in a Connected Future" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Weird Technology" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "Wireless Security Flaws" (Download)
HOPE Number Six (2006): "AUDIO ONLY" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "In the Beginning" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Hacking a Human Mind in Conversation: Penetrating the Conscious Mind's Critical Factor to Elicit a Desired Response" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Defend Your Own System Through Binary Recompilation" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Resistance to NSA-Level Global Adversaries With the Nym MixNet" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Hacktivism Rides Again" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "75,000 FOIA Requests Can't Be Wrong: Lessons From a Decade of Transparency Spelunking" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Quantum Encryption" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Keynote: Cory Doctorow - 'We Used to Have Cake, Now We've Barely Got Icing'" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Boot Genie: Hacking and Cheating at Boot Sector Games" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Advanced Wi-Fi Hacking With $5 Microcontrollers" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Hacking Society, Hacking Humanity" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Portal to Tesla's Wardenclyffe Lab" (Download)
HOPE 2020 (2020): "Free as in Dirt: In Pursuit of Truly Open Source Physical Objects" (Download)