HOPE X (2014): "PRISM-Proof Email: Why Email Is Insecure and How We Are Fixing It" (Download)
Sunday, July 20, 2014: 2:00 pm (Manning): We have had the technology to make email secure against criminals and government spies for decades. Microsoft, Netscape, and Apple have all shipped products with built-in encryption for over 15 years, yet almost nobody uses these features. Millions of people were very upset by the recent Snowden revelations - why aren't millions of people using secure email and, more importantly, how do we fix it? A part of the reason for the lack of email security is rooted in politics. During the 1990s, cryptography rights activists battled with the NSA and FBI for the right to use strong cryptography, a series of events known as the cryptowars. One part of the problem is that two email security standards emerged rather than one, neither of which is capable of fully replacing the other. But the biggest part of the problem is that any system which requires the user to be thinking about security is too hard to use. This talk will be looking at the history and future of email encryption technology. No prior knowledge of cryptography will be assumed.
Phillip Hallam-Baker