The Fifth HOPE (2004): "Urban Exploring: Hacking the Physical World" (Download)
Sunday, July 11, 2004: 1:00 pm (Area "A"): Urban exploring is the art of going places off limits to most and unseen by many. Explorers are brave souls who often dredge through great dangers for their art. Often they research and document historic abandoned places to accompany pictures and video taken on the locations of sites with enormous history. Otherwise they are simply in search of a beautiful view. John and Laura Leita will talk about the different locations of interest to urban explorers, such as abandoned asylums, steam tunnels, rooftops, abandoned rail spurs, former used industrial sites, and deserted gold coast estates. From there they will go into how this art is best performed and various associated issues. Topics will include how to find urban exploration sites, how to go about exploring and documenting them, UE photography and video, computer assisted exploring, and research techniques to learn about a site. A Video CD presentation will be shown to illustrate urban exploring and show some cool places.