The Last HOPE (2008): "Monumental Women Who Influenced Today's Technology" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2008: 3:00 pm (Turing): An historical summary of females who either participated in or were pioneers of advancements that affect the technology-driven industries of today. This talk will be covering topics including: the gender bias surrounding ENIAC and how it pushed women to show they can succeed in a "man's world," how "The Women of ENIAC" came to be and why, historical females in computing sorted in chronological order by birth starting in the early 1800s, the women who contributed to telephony, and ending with a short video clip borrowed from Nightline. This is designed as a 50-minute whirlwind journey exposing the estrogen-laced side of technology - women are strongly encouraged to attend and show their pride of being female geeks (a rare find in the testosterone ocean of technology).
Hosted by L33tphreak
Hosted by L33tphreak