The Last HOPE (2008): "Project Telephreak" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2008: 11:00 pm (Turing): Telephreak was a group that was never meant to be. That is, it wasn't started as a "group" or "club" for dorks. It just ended up that way. It started as a conference system that could be used to talk with other like minded individuals around the world. This club of dorks now encompasses several projects, mostly due to the members' diverse interests. These include OpenVMS clusters (public access) and VoIP related projects (Asterisk add-ons) to X.25 networks. This panel will also be discussing "Project Telephreak" that's located in the Mezzanine area. They will also discuss other projects currently being worked on, such as iWar, the Deathrow Project, various Asterisk projects, and non-VoIP projects.
Hosted by Da Beave, Slestak. Notkevin, Gid, R0d3nt, and Jfalcon
Hosted by Da Beave, Slestak. Notkevin, Gid, R0d3nt, and Jfalcon