The DVDs and flash drive from HOPE X are now available! As always, we have no region restrictions or DRM on any of this, so you're free to copy them and watch them on whatever device you choose. Remember, your purchases here help make HOPE possible and also keep our various archiving projects alive. We've kept the price as low as we can to ensure as many of you as possible are able to get your own copies. As always, we have 128 kbps audio available of every talk on a special two-disc DVD set or on the flash drive full set. It's not always about the video - it's mostly about what is said during these incredible talks. The theme of HOPE X was dissent and we had our fair share of famous dissidents on hand: Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, Thomas Drake, and many more. We named our four speaker rooms after some famous whistleblowers: Bradley/Chelsea Manning, Frank Serpico, Frank Olson, and perhaps the most famous future whistleblower of all: You. HOPE X was held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City July 18-20, 2014.