The Fifth HOPE (2004): "When Corporations Attack" (Download)
Friday, July 9, 2004: 2:00 pm (Area "A"): We all know the wrath that major corporations are capable of unleashing when the actions of hackers and other individuals anger them. This panel will focus on two of these cases. Dan Morgan was the publisher of Satellite Watch News, a publication that focused on the technical workings of the satellite industry. DirecTV (owned by General Motors) managed to completely shut down the newsletter and take nearly all of his possessions. Acidus and Virgil Griffith did research into the Blackboard college ID card system (used at universities everywhere) and they uncovered all kinds of interesting facts. This was to be presented at the Interz0ne conference in Atlanta in 2003. Blackboard filed an injunction that not only kept that from happening but has prevented the two from discussing specifics about Blackboard to this day. In addition to these three panelists, Wendy Seltzer from the EFF will be on hand to talk about the legal aspects of these frightening cases.