A New HOPE (2022): "Secure Cell Phone Communication: Mission Accomplished or Popular Delusion?" (Download)
Saturday, July 23, 2022: 3:00 pm (DAC 206): Attempts abound to manufacture and market mobile phones wherein data generated by or about users cannot be captured by outside entities. To date, however, no large body of secure cell users exists in a manner that competes with the major cell providers, despite experimentation with a wide spectrum of technologies - and what prospects exist are more advanced in the European Union than in the United States. To address prospects of secure cell communication, the range of present technological advances and drawbacks experienced by hardware developers will be outlined. Brief analyses of the best prospective/active networks and the drawbacks faced by less successful developers will be provided. In sum, this talk will provide a working update on the prospect of access to this crucial technology.
Dr. Nick Germaine