HOPE X (2014): "The Many Faces of LockSport" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2014: 4:00 pm (Manning): In the past decade, the hacker subculture of LockSport has seen a tremendous explosion. What was once the purview of dedicated specialists, far-flung hobbyists, and college students meeting in secret is now featured prominently at technical conferences, family-oriented science fairs, and even TV shows. The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers now has nearly 20 chapters across the Netherlands, the United States, and Canada. Sportsfreunden der Sperrtechnik is still going strong with hundreds of members. Locksport International has meetup groups in major cities. Regional groups like the Fraternal Order Of LockSport, the Longhorn Lockpicking Club, the FALE Association of Locksport Enthusiasts, and more conduct local meetings and engage in joint ventures with larger organizations. At the annual LockCon conference, sport pickers from over a dozen countries gather to learn from one another and compete head to head. Despite the shared interest and community between all LockSport groups, there is great variation between the cultures and values of these participants. This panel discussion will feature some of the key figures from various locksport organizations around the world and will hopefully highlight some of those differences and offer the audience a chance to ask questions about locks, LockSport, and competitive lock-opening.
Doug Farre, JGor, Babak Javadi, Ray, Jos Weyers, Deviant Ollam
Doug Farre, JGor, Babak Javadi, Ray, Jos Weyers, Deviant Ollam