HOPE X (2014): "Lockpicking, a Primer" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2014: 3:00 pm (Manning): If you're curious about what lockpicking is all about, this is the talk for you. Several different ways of opening a lock will be shown (picking, bumping, snapping, key impressioning) and explained in detail. No prior lockpick experience or knowledge is needed. This talk will start at ground level. Lockpicking has a clear analogy with the digital world (you have a firewall, therefore you are secure; it has a lock, therefore it must be safe). Consider that physical access will, in lots of cases, render your digital security measures obsolete. After this talk, expect to start rethinking your physical security.
Doug Farre, JGor, Babak Javadi, Ray, Jos Weyers, Deviant Ollam
Doug Farre, JGor, Babak Javadi, Ray, Jos Weyers, Deviant Ollam