HOPE X (2014): "Updates from the Online Identity Battlefield" (Download)
Saturday, July 19, 2014: 11:00 pm (Olson): At HOPE Number Nine, aestetix gave a general introduction to the world of nyms (short for pseudonym) and NymRights (the group he created to promote online self-expression). Things have changed a lot in the last two years. More services are moving online, and there are a lot of discussions about how to securely "verify" users, how to prevent fraud/harm, and how to do all of this while keeping our civil liberties intact. There have also been developments with the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), an Obama strategy designed to promote these discussions in places like health care and social security. The White House is finalizing points on their Cybersecurity Framework (which includes NSTIC) and, in the meantime, a bunch of web services are implementing "verification" solutions, some with better success than others. In light of fundamental "nym" ethics, the discussion will take a look at these strategies and solutions, show which work better than others and why, and introduce some things the panelists have been working on as well.
aestetix, Kaliya IdentityWoman
aestetix, Kaliya IdentityWoman