HOPE X (2014): "The Internet Society Speaks – The History, Futures, and Alternate Directions of the Internet and Its Governance" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2014: 6:00 pm (Serpico): In 1992, TCP/IP co-inventors Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn founded the Internet Society, instilling their belief that "the Internet is for everyone" into the policies and operations that the institution has championed ever since. The Internet Society has become the de-facto organization that maintains attention and lobbies on behalf of the public interest on all issues of Internet policy. Thanks to SOPA, Snowden, and the recent FCC rulings, issues of Internet policy are now very much in the public eye, but certain details have been misunderstood or misrepresented in the frenzy of discussion and reports. This talk by members and employees of the Internet Society will help to inform and educate HOPE attendees, providing them a solid knowledge base and history of Internet policy to work from. The three panelists each maintain different areas of expertise within the field of Internet studies: Jeremy has researched and written on the early history of the Internet's development and the policies discussed by the Clinton administration that brought the technology into everyday use; David has long been active in grassroots Internet efforts and can speak to some of the less traditional perspectives on Internet governance; Avri will speak to the worldwide governance efforts and the deliberations around the Internet among several countries. The panel will examine the history of the Internet, the policies around it and some of the key initiatives it has helped to spark.
Jeremy Pesner, David Solomonoff
Jeremy Pesner, David Solomonoff