HOPE X (2014): "Ethical Questions and Best Practices for Service Providers in the Post-Snowden Era" (Download)
Sunday, July 20, 2014: 11:00 am (Manning): Service providers have always had to shoulder a tremendous ethical burden because of the volume of personal information they hold, including files, metadata, and geolocation data. Some, like Calyx and Lavabit, have been willing to take extra steps to protect their customers' privacy rights. After Edward Snowden's revelations about the U.S. government, some larger providers have become more willing to fight for their users in court or speak publicly about surveillance demands. But many court dockets remain sealed. This talk will explore the telecommunications privacy landscape as we now know it, including the extent of the surveillance regime that some of us suspected all along. The focus will be on best practices for service providers at many levels: software design, API design, network design, policy, and more.
Nicholas Merrill, Ladar Levison, Declan McCullagh
Nicholas Merrill, Ladar Levison, Declan McCullagh