H2K (2000): "Cracking the Hacker Myth: A Scientific Study to Find the Real Story" (Download)
Friday, July 14, 2000: 5:00 pm (Main Stage): In the past, many misunderstood groups in society have reaped the rewards of public backlash due to misinformation propagated by members of the media and authorities. Despite what society has learned from these past cases, history has repeated itself yet again. For at least the last decade, hacker myths have been concocted and propagated by acclaimed experts in the media and authorities in society. What are the undercurrents that are driving this behavior? The Laurentian University Hacker Research Team has been undertaking an independent study to create a balanced view of hackers. They believe that hackerdom is misunderstood and grossly misrepresented to the public. From their study, science may be able to dispel some of these myths and provide the public and organizations with a balanced view regarding hackers in society. Panelists include John Dodge, Bernie S., and Bernadette Schell.