H2K2 (2002): "Abuse of Authority" (Download)
Sunday, July 14, 2002: 11:00 am (Area "A"): Over the years, there have been many stories in the hacker world of law enforcement personnel who have abused their authority. Two of the more dramatic cases in recent memory both come out of Philadelphia. Many of us are already familiar with the horror story of Bernie S. who toured five dangerous prisons for over a year - not because of what he was charged with - but because the United States Secret Service was upset about his collection of information about them. Then there is the case of ShapeShifter, 2600 layout artist, who was arrested at the Republican National Convention in 2000 (shortly after leading a panel on the RNC at H2K) and held on half a million dollars bail as if he were a terrorist mastermind - all because he had been targeted for speaking out in public. Hear the games the authorities play and how public education really can make a difference in putting an end to such abuse.
Hosted by Bernie S., ShapeShifter, and Alex Urbelis
Hosted by Bernie S., ShapeShifter, and Alex Urbelis