H2K2 (2002): "Jello Biafra's State of the World Address" (Download)
Saturday, July 13, 2002: 10:00 pm (Area "D"): Since his keynote address at the H2K conference in 2000, Jello Biafra has witnessed further corporate consolidation and censorship of mass media. He's also been on the front lines of the growing uprising against corporate power itself. He may speak about that, and/or the Bush mob's cynical exploitation of the tragedy on September 11, or the corporate music biz convention on "the future of digital music" he was invited to speak at a few days before H2K2. He's not sure yet so stay tuned.
[NOTE: Video is missing from the middle of this talk, however we were able to salvage audio for that section.]
[NOTE: Video is missing from the middle of this talk, however we were able to salvage audio for that section.]