HOPE Number Nine (2012): "Using a Space Camp Model for Next Generation Security Training" (Download)
Friday, July 13, 2012: 1:00 pm (Sassaman): Marc Tobias says the U.S. intelligence community lacks imagination because it doesn't have any kids. Would an immersive, space camp-type environment ignite kids' interest and be the best way to train them in the art and science of physical, cyber, and electronic security? Marc and his colleagues need your input on a training model where the world's foremost physical security professionals and cyber-wizards would teach via sophisticated gaming, high tech tools, cyber-type Hogan's Alleys, advanced techniques, and simulators. The panelists (Tommie R. Blackwell and Matt Fiddler) will engage the HOPE audience in an interactive discussion about how to improve America's low "security intelligence" by training young people more effectively.