The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Protecting Whistleblowers: An In-Depth Look Within the GlobaLeaks Platform" (Download)
Sunday, July 22, 2018: 1:00 pm (Ritchie): Ask yourself: Have you ever thought about what it takes to protect a whistleblower? In the world of whistleblowing, as counterintuitive as it seems, it’s frequently required that the whistleblowers must personally identify themselves and document their knowledge. To protect against reprisals, not only must a whistleblower secure their identity, but a receiving organization must secure their information. To help resolve these issues, the GlobaLeaks platform is designed from the ground up to tackle problems in secure whistleblowing by providing a simple turnkey system that even non-technical users can successfully deploy and operate. This talk will look under the hood of GlobaLeaks, a free and open-source whistleblowing solution, and see how they work to protect sensitive information about whistleblowers.