The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Snowden’s Critical Fuckin’ Flaw" (Download)
Saturday, July 21, 2018: 10:00 pm (Booth): Back in the good old days of 2015, Shami Chakrabarti wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian, stating that Edward Snowden "is a hero." She claimed that saying so didn’t make her an apologist for terror; it made her a firm believer in democracy and the rule of law. Many saw and still see it this way. Snowden, the true protector of freedom! It’s heard frequently in hacker circles, echoing like a prayer in a church. He’s a freedom fighter, standing for the American ideal, codified in the Constitution. The state apparatus, not Snowden, deserves our disgust and derision. Johannes thinks a fatal misconception is going on, and that we have to talk about it because way too many people step on this ideological turd. He will try to explain what the fallacy is and use a lot of curse words doing so.