The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Locksport Variety Hour with TOOOL and Friends... Now with 100 Percent More Hour!" (Download)
Friday, July 20, 2018: 8:00 pm (Vaughan): Lockpicking has been an official part of the presentations at Hackers On Planet Earth for almost 20 years now. (The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers (TOOOL) has existed for nearly two decades in the Netherlands and emerged here in the USA at The Fifth HOPE in 2004.) And yet there are still so many stories to tell and new things to share! This year’s locksport panel will again include voices and faces from a wide range of picking groups around the country and around the world, but will incorporate more lessons and instruction than last time’s free-for-all. Everybody who asks a cool question will win a small prize. If you ask a question that none of the panelists can answer, you win an even bigger prize. If you bring an awesome demo device to show the panel and the crowd, you might win the biggest prize of all... audience members can offer up a lock or key of their own for inspection by the panel, who must endeavor to identify it and discuss how the mechanism works and how it might even be opened.
Lady Merlin, Max, Click, Ann, Aidan, Nite 0wl, NoHackMe, TheSleep, Chaz, Spam, Smoke Legend, Deviant Ollam