The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The Right to Repair Panel" (Download)
Friday, July 20, 2018: 12:00 pm (Booth): It’s time we restored ownership rights in a digital world, and that begins with letting us fix our electronics. As companies work to monopolize repair, use copyright law to block access to what we need to fix things, and design products that cannot be repaired, leaders from Right to Repair will share stories on how people are pushing back. They will give a presentation on the current state of Right to Repair legislation across the country and concurrent efforts with the U.S. Copyright Office Section 1201 exemptions to the DMCA. The discussion will include legal principles behind Right to Repair, including antitrust, contract law, warranty law, and how EULA and the DMCA have been weaponized to remove key intrinsic rights of ownership.