The Circle of HOPE (2018): "The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker: Documenting Attacks on the Press in the Age of Trump" (Download)
Friday, July 20, 2018: 9:00 pm (Booth): Last August, a coalition of more than two dozen organizations dedicated to press freedom came together to launch the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, a website that systematically documents press freedom violations in the United States. When the tracker was launched, it was never anticipated that more than 100 cases would be logged in the first year. These cases show that Trump’s heated rhetoric in D.C. is far from the only press freedom story. Instead, journalists face obstacles in courtrooms, city halls, and protests. Information from the tracker has already identified concerning patterns, such as the fact that two-thirds of journalists arrested in 2017 were caught up when police used a controversial tactic known as "kettling." It still remains to be seen how much of Trump’s legal threats to journalists are bluster, but the press freedom tracker is rigorously documenting them, along with the myriad of other threats that often go overlooked.