The Eleventh HOPE (2016): "Hacking DNA: Heritage and Health Care" (Download)
Saturday, July 23, 2016: 8:00 pm (Friedman): Humans are the compilation of bio-code that has been changing and evolving for almost 200,000 years. In some ways, we are the oldest open-source project around, but not on GitHub - yet. In years past, DNA sequencing and analysis was available only to a handful of scientists with huge labs and nearly unlimited budgets. Now that world is changing. There are products and services available today that bring individual DNA sequencing to your fingertips, and digging into your own source code has never been easier or cheaper. Analyzing DNA can not only reveal secret ancestries, but can provide a level of insight and history into your health that doctors in the past have only dreamed of. This talk will discuss how and why you can perform your own genetic background check, and what it means for your past, present, and future.
Nina Alli