The Eleventh HOPE (2016): "Leak Hypocrisy: A Conversation on Whistleblowers, Sources, and the Label 'Espionage'" (Download)
Saturday, July 23, 2016: 11:00 am (Lamarr): The two-tiered injustice system: high-level officials who leak for political gain get cover; those blowing the whistle on crimes and abuse face decades in prison. The problem is urgent, costing daily the liberty of Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and many whistleblowers, as well as the liberty of Julian Assange, a publisher.
In this critical moment, join two leading lawyers and the Courage Foundation for a conversation on attacks on freedom of expression, the failure of internal oversight mechanisms, the serious need for a “public interest” defense for truth tellers, and the promise of a growing international movement to promote and protect them.
In this critical moment, join two leading lawyers and the Courage Foundation for a conversation on attacks on freedom of expression, the failure of internal oversight mechanisms, the serious need for a “public interest” defense for truth tellers, and the promise of a growing international movement to promote and protect them.
Jesselyn Radack, Carey Shenkman, Naomi Colvin