The Fifth HOPE (2004): "Cheshire's Rant Session" (Download)
Sunday, July 11, 2004: 10:00 am (Area "A"): When the Cheshire Catalyst spoke about problems at his Directory Assistance job at H2K2, corrections that nobody could get done in over three years were miraculously being made within two weeks after getting back to work following the convention. Could telephone company agents have infiltrated the convention and reported back? What other Large Corporate Problems aren't corporate executives listening to? Write out your rant and be sure you can deliver it in 45 seconds (isn't that what the stopwatch mode on your digital watch is for?). When it's all over, any hyperlinks mentioned by ranting attendees will be available on the web, allowing the Agents of Normality to not only find out what you're ranting about, but have your own references to work from when they report back to their executives.