The Fifth HOPE (2004): "Hacking the Grid" (Download)
Saturday, July 10, 2004: 3:00 pm (Area "B"): One of the biggest projects in computing for big science and enterprises these day is computational grids. Grid computing is at the heart of marketing plans from Oracle, IBM, Sun, and other big companies. For them, "grid" is mostly a buzzword that describes various ways of tying computers together. A more specific use of "grid" is found in big science, however. The national TeraGrid, based on the National Science Foundation's Middleware Initiative (NMI), uses the Globus toolkit and a variety of other packages to run some of the world's largest supercomputers. It's also used to tie many smaller computers and clusters together in the academic and business worlds. Can this "big iron" be hacked? This talk will examine real and potential weaknesses in Globus and other elements of NMI, as well as the promise and reality of end-to-end security for Grid-enabled computers.
Hosted by Greg Newby and Porkchop
Hosted by Greg Newby and Porkchop