The Last HOPE (2008): "Maintaining a Locksporting Organization and Breakthroughs in the Community" (Download)
Friday, July 18, 2008: 11:00 am (Hopper): This presentation will go into detail about how to start and maintain a locksport organization and how groups like these can lead to influential research. You'll learn how to keep everyone excited about lock picking and how to turn your club into a well oiled machine for years to come. In addition, you'll find out what it takes to produce a good lock picker and see how anyone can influence the lock industry even after only a few months of being on the scene. Jon King's research on high security Medeco locks will be revealed in detail. There will also be a demonstration on how to build a tool to pick high security cylinders, and how the responsible disclosure of exploits in the hardware world can make a positive impact for all involved.
Hosted by Doug Farre and Jon King
Hosted by Doug Farre and Jon King