The Last HOPE (2008): "The Last HOPE Closing Ceremonies" (Download)
Sunday, July 20, 2008: 6:00 pm (Hopper): This is where it all comes to a thrilling conclusion. In an even longer than usual finale, we'll be sharing some of the highlights and technical details of the AMD project and what we learned from our experiment of RFID-enabled badges for 1500 of our attendees. We'll also have our entire network team on stage to let you know what succeeded this year and what didn't. And then it's on to the actual closing down of what will certainly prove to be a most memorable conference. Highlights will be recollected, prizes will be awarded, tears will be shed. This is the moment where we all realize just how much fun it's been and how we can accomplish great things (like cleaning up after the closing ceremonies) if we join forces and work together.