The Next HOPE (2010): "Interaction with Sensors, Receivers, Haptics, and Augmented Reality" (Download)
Friday, July 16, 2010: 11:00 pm (Lovelace): Electronic sensor technology has been increasing in resolution while decreasing in cost. The ubiquity of GPS receivers has created the ability to obtain location-based information on demand. At the same time, Augmented Reality interfaces are becoming more popular in the consumer market. From the micro-level of delicate touch sensors in haptic interfaces to the macro-level of GPS positioning, these trends make physically interactive computing more and more accessible. This session will provide an overview of motion/light/heat sensors, GPS receivers, haptic interfaces, and other interactive electronics. Along with an explanation of how they work, several projects that utilize these technologies in the consumer, creative, and social realms will be covered. There will be an audience participation section where users will get a chance to explore sensors and electronics themselves.
Hosted by Pan, Ryan O'Horo, and Micha Cardenas / Azdel Slade
Hosted by Pan, Ryan O'Horo, and Micha Cardenas / Azdel Slade