The Next HOPE (2010): "Simpsons Already Did It - Where Do You Think the Name 'Trojan' Came From Anyway?" (Download)
Sunday, July 18, 2010: 12:00 pm (Lovelace): SMS blockers, ransomware, licenses for trojans, factory installed malware... every day the news is full of accounts of innovative threats altering the landscape of the security arms race. But are these attacks really new? A quick glance at history shows us that these same attacks and defenses have been around for as long as there have been humans. Come hear about the ancient Greek firewalls (and firewall bypasses), about Roman security-by-obscurity, ancient port-scanning, and about Mozart's "rights amplification" against the Pope. This will be a trip through the ages as the security arms race is analyzed. You'll discover how we got where we are today and learn that even in security, history is always repeating itself.
Hosted by Sandy Clark (Mouse), Matt Blaze, and Bill Cheswick
Hosted by Sandy Clark (Mouse), Matt Blaze, and Bill Cheswick