The Next HOPE (2010): "Smartphone Ownage: The State of Mobile Botnets and Rootkits" (Download)
Saturday, July 17, 2010: 6:00 pm (Lovelace): Symbian Botnet? Mobile Linux Rootkits? iPhone Botnets? Millions of phones at risk? The press coverage on smart phone threats is at times somewhat accurate, distant, and occasionally (if unintentionally) misleading. They tend to raise questions such as: How close to PC levels (100,000+ to millions of nodes) have mobile botnets reached? Have mobile rootkits reached the complexity of those on the PC?
This talk will cover the state of rootkits and botnets on smart phones from the perspective of anti-malware researchers, including demystification of the threat from mobile rootkits and mobile botnets, the differences (if any) between mobile rootkits and mobile botnets vs. their PC counterparts, and a look at how samples seen in the wild and researcher PoCs function.
Hosted by Jimmy Shah
This talk will cover the state of rootkits and botnets on smart phones from the perspective of anti-malware researchers, including demystification of the threat from mobile rootkits and mobile botnets, the differences (if any) between mobile rootkits and mobile botnets vs. their PC counterparts, and a look at how samples seen in the wild and researcher PoCs function.
Hosted by Jimmy Shah