The Next HOPE (2010): "The Need for a Computer Crime Innocence Project" (Download)
Sunday, July 18, 2010: 9:30 am (Tesla): High profile computer forensic cases like those of Julie Amero and Michael Fiola, where innocent people were falsely charged with downloading illegal files, illustrate the need for professional forensic standards for determining whether a user, or malware infecting their computer, downloaded suspect files. Joe Cicero discusses his experiences dealing with his college administration, attorneys, and the EFF over the problematic research issues that willful installation of malware brings about. He will discuss his project outline and testing protocols and procedure, detailing why certain decisions were made. Audience feedback will be requested on how to create an innocence project designed specifically for computer crime cases. Tech-savvy criminal defense attorney Alex Muentz and EFF's Seth Schoen will round out the panel with their insights.