HOPE XV (2024): "Animism and Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Navigating Geopolitical Nuances in Cyberattacks With Advanced IP Address Analysis" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Harvest: The Most Interesting Computer You Never Heard Of" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Safeguarding Secrets: Homomorphic Encryption for the Curious Mind" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Cap2r: Rescuing the Forgotten Texts Hidden in Analog Video" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "The Arduboy Story" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Privacy-Focused Computing Curriculum for Teens" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "News From the 2600net IRC Network and Facebook Group" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "The Real Danger From AI Is Not the Technology" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "AUDIO ONLY" (Download)
HOPE XV (2024): "Demoscene 2024: Just When You Thought There Wasn't Any More! (2 of 2)" (Download)
Autumn 2024 Digital Edition (PDF or EPUB3)
Winter 2024-2025 Digital Edition (PDF and EPUB3)
Complete 2024 PDF Collection