Summer 2020 PDF Edition
Spring 2020 PDF Edition
Complete 2019 PDF Collection
Winter 2019-2020 PDF Version
Autumn 2019 PDF Version
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "$500 Billion Broadband Scandal: It’s Time to Break Up AT&T... Again" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "'And This Is It?' - What Went Wrong with Surveillance Reform After Snowden" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "'Help! My Toaster’s Attacking Me!' and Other 911 Calls of the Future: An Update on the Legal and Policy Landscape for the Internet of Things" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "A Conversation on Internet Censorship" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Accessibility, Dammit!" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "ArduTouch Music Synthesizer Kit: Music Generation for Newbies" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Ask the EFF: The Year in Digital Civil Liberties" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "ATT&CKing with Threat Intelligence" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Autocrypt: End-to-End Encrypted Email for Everyone" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Barrett Brown Onstage Interview" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Basement MEMS: Tools, Processes, and Techniques for Producing Microelectromechanical Systems on a Shoestring" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Being Mean to Software Patents" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Breath of the RF Field: Hacking Amiibo with Software-Defined Radio" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Chelsea Manning Onstage Interview" (Download)
The Circle of HOPE (2018): "Creating a Radio Time Machine: Software-Defined Radios and Time-Shifted Recordings" (Download)